Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Adult Learners

One-third of adult learners have been impacted by childhood trauma. (Perry, 2006)  It might include a parent that was addicted to drugs or alcohol, domestic violence, incarceration, poverty, family illness, mental health issues and the list goes on.

Here is a fantastic article on the subject: 

The Trauma-Informed Classroom

And here is the CDC website with original research data:

CDC ACEs Website

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this article and research data. While I do not work with adults, I do work with young-adults, specifically the middle school age group, and have many students affected by significant childhood trauma. These are the individuals who continue on to then fall into the population you are referring to here. It was shocking to me that ACES impacts up to 60% of adults, although I am unfortunately not surprised by the high number. While this is so incredibly unfortunate, what is more shocking to me is that not enough educators are aware of this and are not doing their part in having a trauma informed classroom. I loved that the article mentioned that even though these situations have impacts these individuals, the brain has so much capacity and capability to heal and repair. We as educators play a vital role in this! I think that this was a very easy read with a lot of information and ideas that educators of all ages can apply. Not only that, but this article should be the starting point for a lot more exploration and conversations within our own schools to continue to support our learners within their area of their wellbeing.
